Business incubators at Ministry of Youth and Sports and their impact on Entrepreneurial Projects to support the National Economy Regarding Egypt Vision 2030

Document Type : Original Article


Sport Management - Physical Education For Girls - Alexandria University


Regarding the increasing trend towards economic and social development, business incubators represent the supportive environment for establishing entrepreneurial projects and ensuring their growth. The research aims to identify the actual status of business incubators in the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the characteristics of entrepreneurial projects in promoting a culture of entrepreneurship and its impact in supporting the national economy. Research Procedures: The descriptive approach was used. The research community was chosen in an intentional way for each of the advisor of the Minister of Youth and Sports for Entrepreneurship, the assistant assistants and the assistant professors of the Minister of Youth and Sports, members of the technical office and all members of the central administration for youth projects and training, the questionnaire was used as a tool for data and information collection and appropriate statistical treatment was used - the research concluded the importance of expanding the establishment of business incubators affiliated with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and assigning them as houses of distinguished expertise to appoint individuals and human cadres capable of providing and disseminating the culture of entrepreneurship and providing advice to entrepreneurial ideas owners.


Main Subjects