Evaluating ballet techniques performance level in light of good performance standards for Second Grade Students, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Alexandria University

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Curricula and Physical Education teaching methods, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Alexandria University.


Ballet is an important motor activity, therefore it included in motor expression curricula at physical education faculties in general, and Faculty of Physical Education for girls, Alexandria University in particular.  Researcher noticed low ballet technical performance level within second grade students, this conformed by a pilot conducted by the researcher to analyse ballet practical tests marks for second grade students in the period from (2010/2011) (2012/2013) academic years.
Three or five members committee from faculty staff specialized in motor expression do students' evaluation in all motor expression branches, the evaluation is subjective according to faculty staff views. This method based on non-standardized observation; therefore, evaluation should be in more objective and accurate manner and per specific standards facilitate staff member role in evaluation. This called the researcher to conduct this study. Researcher used descriptive survey. Research sample selected intentionally and consisted of (204) second grade students (50 students for
Researcher developed observation form to evaluate students' ballet technical performance. Within the most important results, that there is variance in barre exercises technical performance level, and in Center work steps. The study recommended giving more attention to develop motor and physical abilities, which help to raise ballet technical performance level within students of Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Alexandria University. The study also recommended giving attention to use various and diverse teaching methods to improve ballet technical performance level for second Grade students, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Alexandria University


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