Kinetic Satisfaction and Its Relationship to the Competitive Behavior for Junior Basketball Players under 18 Years

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Physical Education Faculty, Port Said


Objectives To identify kinetic satisfaction and competitive behavior among basketball junior players under 18 years, and To identify the relationship between kinetic satisfaction and competitive behavior among basketball junior players under 18 years. The researcher used the descriptive approach with survey method, and the correlative relationships due to their suitability for the study nature. The study population and sample: The study population has been identified of junior basketball players under 18 years in Port Said Governorate. The sample consists of 30 players from Kapci clup  in Port Said.
II. Recommendations In light of the research results, the researcher recommends the following: Basketball coaches should pay attention to psychological preparation as one of the players preparation pillars and its important role in maintaining the players' performance even in the competition pressure conditions, The research results should be benefited from in the training process in order to promote the positive side and exceed the negative side,

Other psychological variables for basketball players should studied carefully, and
The variable of kinetic satisfaction and competitive behavior should be studied in other sporting events.


Main Subjects