Designing a device to measure Speed and precision of attacking Skills performance for fencing players

Document Type : Original Article


Educational, psychological and Social Dept. Faculty of Physical Education for Boys- Banha University.


This research aim to:
-        Design a device to measure speed and  precision of attacking skills performance for fencing players
-        Scientific codify to the device
Research sample:
The research sample was restricted to ration sample to apply measurement used in device validity. Two sample were taken the first is a peculiar sample from fencing national team players (men- women), the second sample is a practitioner fencing player (un peculiar sample).
Conclusion and recommendation
First: Conclusion
According to aim of research, sample used in applying the research, statistical analysis, research results the researcher conclude the following:
1-    Designing electronic device to measure speed and precision of attacking skills performance for fencing players
2-    Confirming validity of the device in measuring attacking skills performance
3-    Confirming stability of the device by Test-Retest
4-    The designed device has a greater validity and stability degree in measuring speed and precision of attacking skill performance.


Main Subjects