The effectiveness of muscle strength exercises in balancing the muscles of the arms and shoulders and their impact on some of the Kinematic variables of straight punches

Document Type : Original Article


1 Physical Education & movement Sciences Dep. College of Education, Qassim University, and sports kinesiology Dep., Faculty of Physical Education, Mansoura University

2 Physical Education & movement Sciences Dep. College of Education, Qassim University, and Athletic Training Dep., Faculty of Physical Education, Mansoura University


Research procedures: Methodology: this study used the experimental approach for one set of pre and post measurement. Place: Boxing gym and the sports movement laboratory in the Faculty of Physical Education at Mansoura University Time: The pilot study was conducted pre and post measurements were taken, and the application of Muscle strength training was performed during the preparation period within the training program for boxing players in the period from 31/06/2013 till 3/10/2013. Research sample: The research sample was chosen intentionally from young boxing players in Mansoura Stadium, i.e. (10) boxing players according to the following table.
Conclusions:   Muscle strength training led to achieve balance in muscle strength of the extensors and flexors muscles of the elbow joint and shoulders. Where the percentage of power to force extensors flexors of the elbow joint and the left and right elbows together (1: 1). High rates of improvement ratios between pre measurement means and post to the research sample in muscle strength of the flexors, reaching 48.3% of the flexor muscles of the right of the elbow, (56.7%) of the muscles flexors of the left elbow, (24.0%) of the muscles flexors of the two elbows together. Training muscle power and strength led to improved kinematic variables under study to straight left and right punches.
