The Reality of Leadership with Rational Intelligence in the Physical Education Directorate of the Education Department in Cairo Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


1 Management department , faculty of physical education for girls, Helwan university

2 faculty of physical education helwan university

3 Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University


This study was conducted to identify the reality of leadership with rational intelligence in the direction of physical education in the Directorate of Education in Cairo Governorate, on a survey sample of 50 male and female teachers, a basic sample of 425 male and female physical education teachers, representing 35% of the research population In the preparatory stage schools affiliated with the Directorate of Education in Cairo Governorate, the descriptive analytical approach was used, and one of the data collection tools was the questionnaire, and one of the most important results was the degree of leadership with rational intelligence in directing physical education, which was average by physical education teachers in Cairo Governorate, and one of the most important recommendations is the application of sound foundations in selecting Leadership, so that the focus is on the levels of intelligence possessed by leaders in directing physical education


Main Subjects