Document Type : Original Article
Faculty of physical Education Helwan university
Faculty of physical Education Helwan University
faculty of physical Education, Helwan University
Self-efficacy is one of the theoretical constructions based on the cognitive social learning theory. In recent years, this concept has gained increasing importance, especially in the field of behavior modification, and “Bandura” (1994 AD) believes that self-efficacy is important, as it means a self-based knowledge that contains self- expectations regarding an individual's ability to successfully overcome situations.
The research aims to know the reality of self-efficacy among female students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Helwan University. The researcher used the descriptive approach in its survey style for its relevance and the nature of the study, the research sample consisted of (220) female students from the fourth year (Sports Training Division) at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls in Cairo. The researcher used self-efficacy scale for the students of the College of Physical Education to build and organize a scale of self-efficacy expectations for the faculty of physical education (Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Physical Education Sciences - Iraq), and it relied on scientific methods in construction using the sincerity of the arbitrators, and the sincerity of internal consistency. The researcher calculated the validity and reliability of the scale by using the appropriate statistical means, the SPSS program was used to calculate the following statistical treatments: Arithmetic mean (X ̅), standard deviation (S), correlation coefficient (r) Spearman.
The researcher concluded the following:
There are statistically significant differences in favour of choosing (applicable to me a little) in the phrases (20,21,24), in favour of choosing (applicable to me sometimes) in the phrases (15, 9, 12,22), and in favour of choosing (applicable to me a lot) in the phrases (23, 7, 8, 3, 18, 25, 26, 4, 17, 10, 2, 19.5, 6), and in favour of a choice (perfectly applicable) in statements (1,14,16).