The Effect of a Rehabilitation Program and Chiropractic Exercises to Improve the Functional Efficiency of the Spine to Relieve Low Back Pain

Document Type : Original Article


1 Biological Sciences and Sports Health, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University, Cairo

2 Professor, Department of Biological Sciences and Sports Health, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University.

3 Assistant Professor of Sports Injuries and Movement Rehabilitation, Department of Sports Health Sciences, Faculty of Physical Education, Minia University


The researchers conducted a study aimed at designing a rehabilitation program using manual and chiropractic massage to improve the functional efficiency of the spine to relieve low back pain. The researchers used the experimental method on a sample of 15 women. The researchers also used the Visual Analog Scale (V.A.S) to determine the degree of pain, and also the genimeter was used to measure Spinal range of motion (right, left, forward, backward); Among the most important results of the research: Combining chiropractic with manual massage had a rapid effect in reducing pain among the members of the research sample; And that the combination of chiropractic with manual massage had a positive effect in increasing the flexibility of the spine.
