The Effect of S.A.Q program on skill performance level of Yurchenko on Vault table

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Rhythmic Gymnastics Training and Artistic Gymnastics At the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls Helwan University- cairo

2 Physical Education for Girls - Al-Jazirah - Helwan University

3 Faculty of Physical Education for Girls -al-Jazirah - Helwan University


The research aims to identify the impact of a training program using S.A.Q exercises on the skill performance level of Yurchenko's skill, and the research was applied on a Intentional sample of artistic gymnasts enrolled in El- Gezira Sporting Club and their number was (26) under 11 years old, and the researcher used the experimental method for one group with pre and post measurements, and one of the most important results reached by the researcher is that there are statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurements in the skill performance level for (side flip with a quarter turn, followed by the rapid back flip "Yurchenko" on mattresses with a height of 100 cm) to the post measurement. Also, The researcher noticed the effect of S.A.Q training program on the physical abilities (transitional speed, motor speed and agility), and this appeared in the skill performance level, as the noticeable improvement in the speed of approach, in the strength of prevention on the vault table, and in the kinetic flow during the performance of the skill.
