The effect of the Cross-Fit training program on some physical variables And the level of performance of discus players

Document Type : Original Article


1 •Professor of track and field athletics training faculty of physical education for girls Helwan Universty

2 Doctor Instructor, Track and Field Training Department Faculty of Physical Education for Girls in Cairo Helwan University

3 Helwan University, Faculty of Physical Education, Training Department of Track and Field Competitions, Giza Hawamdiya


In order to achieve the goal of the competition, which is to record the best score level, there is necessity to have an integration between the elements of special physical fitness and skill performance to reach the desired goal. The researcher noticed through her experience in the field of training, as she is a throwing coach at Al Jazira Youth Center, and in the field of athletes refereeing, as she is a second degree referee and participated as a referee in many throwing competitions in general and disc throwing competitions in particular that there are some repeated technical errors of players’ performance, especially in the stages of (rotation - throwing and disposal), which are based on the score level and skill performance of disc throwing competition,
Research Method:
The researcher used the experimental approach with one sample by applying(pre and post measurements), in order to suit the nature of the research in proportion with the objectives and assumptions
Research Community and sample:
The research community consists of disc throwing players under the age of 18 who are registered in the Egyptian athletics Federation for the year(2020-2021)and they numbered males and(13)females, and the players of Al-Ahli Club were selected for the approval of the club and the coach to study on them, and other(5)players:(3)males (2)females for their suit to the nature of the research
Within the limits of the research problem and its importance, and in view of its objectives, its assumptions and the nature of the sample and within the framework of statistical treatments and the interpretation and discussion of the results, the researcher was able to reach the following conclusions:
1-Cross Fit exercises led to a clear and noticeable improvement in the (rotation, throwing and disposal)phases
2.Cross Fit training programs have a positive impact on the achievement
