“Effect of Dancing Using Tools on Fat Thickness and Body Image Disturbance for Lipedema Patients”

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Dance Training and Erythmics, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls in Gezira - Helwan University


This research aims to identify the effect of dancing using tools on the thickness of the skin fat and the body image disturbance for lipedema patients. The researcher used the experimental approach for both experimental and controlled groups. (48) Women divided into two groups (24) women for the experimental group practiced in the dancing using tools program, (24) women for the control group practiced a walking program. The program took three months, (3) training units per week. included (36) training units, the unit time was (45: 60) minutes, the most important results showed that The program of dancing using tools and its content of various exercises using different tools on the lower body with the musical accompaniment has a positive effect on the thickness of the skin fat and the body image disturbance for lipedema patients. The researcher recommends to include the proposed program within the treatment for lipedema patients, due to its Positive effect on general and for improvement of the thickness of the skin fat and the body image disturbance.
