Effect of Functional Core Conditioning Training on Hiking at Sailing Radial

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Aquatic Sports Training, Faculty of Physical Education, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt

2 Department of Biological Sciences and Sports health, Faculty of Physical Education, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt


Generally, Sailing, has complex nature as body weight is used by sailors to balance in dinghy boats, which requires great strength in core-stability, core strength and core endurance. Coaches emphasize specific training with the specific physical and strength functional exercises to increase the sailors’ performance. This study examined the effects of functional core conditioning training on hiking at sailing laser. Ten radial laser competitive national and international ranked male sailors’ age 18.5±3 were selected to patriciate in the current study. Participants performed 3 sessions weekly, each session (20-30 min) for 8-weeks, including core stability, strength and endurance exercises using swiss ball, BOSU ball, and elastic band resistance and hiking bench. The results showed that functional core conditioning training for eight weeks has a positive influence on hiking for laser radial sailors.


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