The effect of the use of rubbery resistance ropes on some physiological fitness variables and performance level of javelin race

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education for girls, Helwan University


The physiology of sports training is a science interested in studying the physiological changes that occur during training in order to detect the direct effect on the one hand, and the long-term effect on the other, which is caused by physical exercise or movement in general on the functions of different organs and organs of the body such as "muscles, nervous system, muscle system, ......... Therefore, the physiology of sports training is one of the most important humanities in the field of sports training.

Physiological studies help workers in the field of sports education and sports training, through which it was possible to identify the effect of physical training methods on the vital organs of the athlete's body as a result of participating in competitions or training, which affects his physical fitness, which includes preparing or preparing the body for movement. (33:4)

Abu Ala Ahmed, Tim G and others have agreed on the need to study the body's components of fat, bones, muscles and water, as the study of those components, especially muscles and all related to the possession of a large amount of muscle fibers in terms of size, mass and level of strength, became important in what was to judge more realistically and honestly on the impact of these physical practices in various forms and intensity on the human body where strength represents one of the most important components of fitness and plays the role of important in sports performance or Health in general and no other component of fitness has received a degree of importance as muscle strength.


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